DHIS2 Overview


The HISP project started in South Africa back in the 90s after the fall of the apartheid. In South Africa the situation at the time was one of extreme differences in health services. The HISP group then developed the first versions of DHIS which were based on Microsoft Access, a database management system. These initial versions worked well, but did not scale easily because Microsoft Access was a desktop application that had to be installed on every machine and the information had to be kept up to date.

The DHIS2 software that is available today is of course a completely different piece of software, but we have kept some of the same philosophy as the original versions:

  • Learning while doing.
  • Cooperating with health staff in order to create functionality that's actually needed instead of what researchers and developers think is needed.

DHIS was made to empower local health staff with the right information at the right time in order to make the right decisions, and DHIS2 aims to follow in its footsteps in this regard.